It's my birthday weekend and I'm so excited. I was given strict orders to get plenty of sleep tonight because "we're going to party like rockstars tomorrow night" My wonderful friends are taking me to dinner and then out for a night on the town. I'm super excited to get to celebrate with my friends, but kinda sad that not all of them are going to be able to make it. I'm also sad that I don't get to bring in my 30th birthday with anyone in my family :-( or a man, but who needs a man when you can have cake :-)
The wonderful girls I work with bought me lunch and a yummy cake today. My kids are probably ready to divorce me since they had to test all day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then I had to give make-up tests today and didn't get to spend much time with them :-( They are such a handful and keep me busy every minute of the day, but there is something about them that I just adore. It always amazes me how they will stay out of trouble with me, but once I'm out of sight they go crazy. I've only written one office referral this year, but there have been at least 12 written on different kids in my class. I swear they have split personalities or something... maybe they just know better than to pull that crap with me :-)
Hopefully I'll have some fun pics to put up and document the welcoming of this new decade in my life.