They always say, "Anyone can teach in the fall, but it takes a special person to survive the spring." Let me just say, we're not even through January and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Since coming back to school from a wonderful 2 week Christmas vacation, life has been a whirlwind. I am determined not to let my job rule my life. (I say this every year, and each year I get a little better at it)
As I mentioned earlier, I had a wonderful 2 week vacation, and for the first time since I started teaching, I spent the whole 2 weeks at my parents. It was so much fun hanging out with everyone and spending some quality time with them. Brad was there the whole 2 weeks as well, but he had to work just about everyday :-( I did get to spend some time with my cousin/brother from another mother "Slash". He went to the grocery store with me a few days before Christmas because everyone else was at work. When we got back to the house, we had a Christmas cookie decorating throw-down. In his mind he won, but we all know that I really was the champion. He did have some pretty creative cookies though ;-)
The week after Christmas mom and John were both off so we spent lots of time hanging out around the house and shopping. Mom and I decided the middle of the week to come up to my apartment and put up all my presents. Thank goodness we did, or else I never would have made it. We had a car FULL of stuff; yes, I'm spoiled, but I'm greatful for EVERYTHING I have. That night Robin came over and the 3 off us had a girls night.
New Year's Eve Mandy came to see Brad and the rest of the family. I was so glad to see her. Even though she only lives about 30 minutes from me, I still never manage to see her or my brother when he's in town. I think there is seriously something wrong with that picture. We had a pretty low key night drinking and popping fireworks. Around 11 we all decided to "take a nap" and set alarm clocks to go off at 11:55 so we could all be awake at midnight. Yeah, not a good idea. I evedently kept hitting snooze on mine while I was crashed on the couch and Brad and Mandy didn't even get out of bed. Slash said he heard my phone keep going off, but he thought people just kept on calling me. So, as you can tell New Year's Eve wasn't very exciting, but it was perfect because I was with the people I love most.
I hope each of you are having a wonderful 2011 and that it brings you everything you hope for.