This has been the CRAZIEST weather week for us here in DFW. A week ago we were basking in the wonderful sunshine and temperatures near 70; today is day 4 of being iced and now snowed in. I will admit that the snow is beautiful, but it's so dry you can't make anything with it :-( This morning I got up all excited to go play and make mini snowmen only to be disappointed that the snow wasn't even wet enough to make a ball. I ended up just playing around and making footprints instead. After about 15 minutes I decided I had had enough of the cold so I came back upstairs, took off my layers of clothes and took a nice HOT shower.
Hopefully all this stuff melts and life will get back to normal soon. Last year we had our record 13 inches of snow the week after the super bowl, this year it's the week before. I think someone is trying to say something; the days before and after the super bowl should be holidays :-) I hope everyone is staying warm!