Well the last time I tried posting something, my computer wouldn't let me so I'm going to try again.
It seems like these last few months have been so busy that it's hard to believe. I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the last 5 months. Despite being busy all the time, things are going great for me. I'm still loving my job more and more every day. I work with the most amazing people in the world and love going to work. Now, don't get the wrong idea, everything isn't always butterflies and roses. I, like everyone else, have those really rough days. My kids still drive me nuts at times and I still get stressed out. The difference it that the good days seem to always be so much better than the bad. Now, enough about work.
Summer vacation is just 2 weeks away and I'm so looking forward to some much needed time off. I can't wait for the toughest decision I make each day being what time to get out of bed and when to go to the pool. As of right now I don't have much planned. I know I'll go spend some time with mom and John and I hope to travel to Pittsburgh again this summer and see Becky. Eventhough I say I have nothing planned for the summer I know that can all change with the drop of a hat.
Hopefully I'll get better at updating this thing. I'm also going to attempt to start a new bolg with ideas and lessons that I teach/use in my classroom. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.