I have so many things going on these next few days it's not even funny. In fact, I was talking to my friend Becky this morning and she was like girl do you ever slow down.
Today I picked up the keys to my new apartment and took my first load of stuff over there. The electricity is suppose to be turned on today, but as of 11:15 it still wasn't on :-( I'm probably going to take a few more small things over there when I go sign my lease and leave the rest for the movers to move tomorrow. I have to go to a workshop in the morning from 8:30-11:30 and then the movers will be here between 12 & 2. Please keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain while they are moving my furniture.
Not only did I get the keys to my new place, but Robin #2 had her little baby girl this morning. Adalyn Grace Averitt was born at 11:12 this morning and the new family is doing great. Her sister blogged about it the whole time and it felt like you were there with the family; it was so neat. I can't wait to go see the new family.
Today is also April's birthday. I'm really sad that I'm not going to be going to mom and Johns this weekend to hang out with her and Brad one last time before Brad leaves to go back to school. It makes me sad that my little brother is going back to Amarillo and I won't get to see him as often. Hopefully he will decide to do his last 2 years of school in Dallas.
Going to get some lunch, check for electricity and then take another load of stuff over.
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