Summer vacation officially ended yesterday when I had to go back to work :-( I will admit that yesterday was much better than today. I'm not big on sitting in workshops all day that don't teach me something I don't already know. I am by no means saying that I know everything, but do I really have to sit in 2 two and a half hour workshop over what I need to teach the first 6 weeks when it's all in the computer? I could have gotten so much work done in my classroom had I not had to be there. I will say that I did have a lot of fun bonding and cracking jokes with my team. I don't think the presenters liked us very much though :-)
Since I'm "gimped" out right now it's been kinda interesting doing a lot of walking. Most people just look at me and laugh because when I walk, from the back it looks like I'm 9 months pregnant. I must admit, that I can only imagine what it looks like since I feel like such an idiot to begin with.
Well as soon as soon I get my classroom finished I'll take pics and put them up for you to see. Off to get a glass of wine :-)
I know how you feel about staff development that doesn't teach you anything, I just had 2 full days of that. Please get me a glass of wine too!