These last few weeks have been super busy and crazy for me, but sometimes I don't think I would have it any other way. Besides teaching, I've spent the last 2 weekends working/volunteering at a Haunted House in south Arlington/Kennedale. When I originally agreed to go up there, I thought it would be a one time thing. Needless to say, I've enjoyed it more that I could have ever imagined and look forward to going out there.
Here are a few pics from the Haunted House for your viewing pleasure :-)

This is the exorcism room. I worked in here the first weekend and had a lot of fun.

This past weekend I worked in the Morgue. It was so much fun standing behind the body bags and making grown men scream.

The finished product... I must admit I think I did a wonderful job on her hair :-)

This is my friend Chris doing one of the things he does best, making people look dead.
Hopefully I'll get more time to keep my blogs up to date, but for right now I wouldn't hold my breath. Life seems to be headed in a good direction and I owe it all to the grace of God.
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