The Birthday Girl

Everyone pose with the Beer Tower

Robin, Beck, and I
I love these girls so much!!

Life is officially back to normal........ hopefully. With yesterday being Halloween, the Haunted House is closed and my schedule should be back to normal, or at least a little more regular. These past 6 or 7 weeks have been nothing less than an adventure. What started out as a one time thing, turned into so much more. I've learned how to use and apply costume make-up and more about what goes on behind the scenes than anyone could ever want to know. My favorite thing was for sure learning how to do make-up. At first, it was a challenge getting it all right and Chris would be like, "let me do it." By the time this past Friday rolled around, I was doing just as much of the make-up as he was, if not more. I did take a picture of one of the girls whose make-up I would do all the time that I'll post later hopefully.
Enough about the HH, lets talk about my kids. They are still great and I love them more and more everyday. I'm officially down to 9 kids, which makes life so easy and pretty stress free. It's so strange having such a small group, but they certainly keep me busy. Last year, this group of kids was constantly in trouble so we're really lucky to have small classes because it certainly helps us control the bad behavior. I'm amazed everyday how quick the school year is going by and I can't believe that it's almost Thanksgiving. I know that nobody knows where life will take them in a year, but I for sure know that I'll be somewhere different and that's so strange. With my school shutting down in June and still no idea where I'm going to be in a year, the biggest stresser in my life right now is that. I'm sure as things begin to get figured out and people start to know more, I'll have lots more to talk about on this subject. We'll time to finish laundry and all that fun stuff. I hope this finds you doing well, and lots of love always!!!
This is my friend Chris doing one of the things he does best, making people look dead.
Hopefully I'll get more time to keep my blogs up to date, but for right now I wouldn't hold my breath. Life seems to be headed in a good direction and I owe it all to the grace of God.
I promise to post pics after I get it all decorated and together. For now, I'm back to packing and getting everything ready. I'm so excited to take on this new adventure.
Robin, Becky and I
Me and my Robin
Robin and Tammy
Friday turned out to be a very non productive day of sitting on the couch in the dark watching TV. Brad and April came over around 5 so we could take him to meet some of the guys he plays softball with at the Rangers game. After dropping him off, we went to Double Dave's and got some pizza rolls and a coke to-go in order to prepare for our "Movie Marathon". Words can't express how good it is to see my brother with someone who makes him so happy, and who gets along with me. He's never had a girlfriend that would actually spend time with me alone doing "girl" things. She is great and I couldn't have hand picked a better girl for my brother.
Saturday we were all feeling a little rough to say the least. Mom and I cooked breakfast and then everyone decided to chill. About 1:30, April gets Brad to go get stuff to make bloody mary's
and they help me out a lot. I finally get the energy to go to the pool and work on the tan before getting ready to have dinner with dad and Leslie.